Message: “How to Forgive in Three Simple Words – Colossians 3:13” from Dave Gudgel

A message from the series “Perfectly One.” Forgiveness doesn’t come easy. If someone has hurt, wounded, or abused you in some way, the last thing you’re thinking about is forgiving them. It’s more likely you’re thinking about punishing them and inflicting pain on them since they inflicted pain on you.

It’s a good thing Jesus doesn’t share that mindset. None of us would have a chance. We’d all be in big trouble.

We are all imperfect people. And imperfect people need a lot of forgiveness. On an ongoing basis. More often than we’d like to admit, we need forgiveness from God and from others. The implications of that are mind-boggling, and vital for us to come to grips with. We all need to be forgiven, which means we are all surrounded by people that we will need to forgive. This Sunday we’ll see what it takes for that to translate into reality.