February 24 – April 4
For forty days, we as an entire church – from preschool to adults – are focusing on prayer. Whether you are a regular attender at Bridges or brand new, we would love to have you join us.
In order to get the most out of our 40-Day All-church “Only by Prayer” focus, we encourage you to participate in the following four ways:
1 – Pray for breakthroughs
Ask God to bring about significant spiritual breakthroughs in our lives and in our church and in the world.
2 – Hear the six sermons
Beginning February 24, the messages in our worship services will focus on this topic for six weeks. Come each week with an eager and open heart to learn and change as God leads.
Week 1: I Can’t, But God Can
Week 2: Banking on Mercy
Week 3: In Over Your Head
Week 4: Why Bother?
Week 5: The Struggle is Real
Week 6: Great Expectations
3 – Participate in a Life or Focus Group
Over the next six weeks our
ongoing Life Groups and short-term Focus Groups will dig deeper into the Only by Prayer topic of the week. See the back side of this flyer for details.
4 – Use the Study Guide
Our teaching pastors wrote a 40-day Study Guide which includes personal daily devotions for you to do on your own.
Study Guides are available in Life Groups and the Worship Center lobby on Sunday mornings or in the church office during the week for a suggested donation of $5 each. The study guide includes the 40-Day Personal Devotions, group notes and discussion questions, and six weekly Devotions for Families.
ONLY BY PRAYER (OBP) Life Groups & Focus Groups
You are welcome to participate in any of the following groups, which will each be hosting an Only by Prayer teaching DVD followed by a group discussion during the six weeks of this study.
Sunday Mornings
- All Life Groups – see our connectbcc.org website for groups and times
- Student Ministries – Middle School and High School
- Children’s Ministries – Preschool and Elementary (2nd hour only)
Sunday Evenings
- Pastor Dave and Bernice Gudgel will be hosting an OBP focus group in their home at 6:30 pm. For more info, contact Bernice (bernicegudgel@gmail.com).
- College Connect will be hosting a focus group at 8:00 pm in the Student Ministry Center.
Monday Evenings
- Pastor Steve and Shannon Durand will be hosting an OBP focus group in their home at 7:30 pm. For more info, contact Steve (steve.durand@connectbcc.org).
Wednesday Evenings
- YoPros – Our Young Adult Ministry will host a discussion in their regular weekly meeting. For more info, contact Dan.Stockum@connectbcc.org
PDF 40-Day Devotional Downloads with fillable boxes:
- Week One: Reliant
- Week Two: Repentant
- Week Three: Desperate
- Week Four: Fervent
- Week Five: Persistent
- Week Six: Expectant
- PDF Family Devotions – Weeks 1-6