A Simple Song for a Complex Life


Josh Squires - Oct 1, 2023

Sermon Slides     Sermon Notes

Life this side of The Fall is tough. What do we do when we have seasons of fear, hurt, anger, and sadness? This small psalm scratched out with haste by a king in crisis helps us to understand how to handle the difficulties of the believing life. And ultimately, where to find our joy.

About our guest speaker: Josh Squires is the Minister of Counseling for First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC where he has served for nearly a decade. He holds degrees in Psychology (B.S.), Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling (M.A.), Divinity (M.Div.), and is currently working on a PhD in Biblical Counseling. Josh is a regular contributor for John Piper’s Desiring God as well as The Gospel Coalition. He and his wife Melanie have been married for more than 20 years and they have 5 children.

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