I Have Hope - 1 Peter 1:3-5


Dave Gudgel - Apr 1, 2018

Bulletin Notes     Sermon Slides

We could use an infusion of hope. Would you agree? Every one of us. Large amounts of hope to ward off discouragement, disaster, and life’s difficulties. Hope in the midst of hopeless circumstances is a welcome friend.

For our world, and those living in it, Easter couldn’t come at a better time. For the mom or dad, husband or wife, teacher or student, healthy or sick, even a glimmer of hope could change our outlook on life.

Just like hope changed people in the 1st century in Jesus’ day, hope can do the same for us in the 21st century. Not an “I hope so” hope, but the kind of hope we’ll be looking at this Sunday that we find in the Easter story.

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