One Big Happy Family - John 17:20-23


Dave Gudgel - Feb 4, 2018

Sermon Slides     Bulletin Notes

Relationships are sweet when two become one. And that possibility isn’t limited to marriage. It’s what we long for in every relationship, at least at some level. Harmony beats disharmony, anytime.

Jesus was all about oneness. Relational oneness. He wants His church to be one. Like God who is three and yet one. That may seem impossible, but it’s not.

Jesus intentionally prayed that all of His followers would be one – with each other, and with God. And not just one, but perfectly one. If that’s going to happen in us, we need to see unity from Jesus’ point of view. That’s what we will be looking at this Sunday as we begin our 40-day focus on unity in the church.

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